The Gyulai Bakery offers additive-free, high-quality products made from carefully selected ingredients such as, sandwiches, freshly squeezed orange juice and Lavazza coffee. The shopkeepers buy products from local and regional producers. In addition to baked goods for breakfast, you can choose freshly made sandwiches, both regular and lactose-free; or vegan breakfast foods. The bakery also sells yoghurt, sour cream, butter, Túró Rudi and milk, among other things.
- 5700 Gyula, Kossuth street 4.
Visitgyula offers
5700 Gyula, several locations
5700 Gyula, Corvin street 13., I. floor.
5700 Gyula, Selyem street 30/6.
The entrance to the park is located about 100 meters from Tiborc street 51, in a wooded area, next to Fehér-Körös.
5700 Gyula, city centre
5700 Gyula, Castle Garden
5700 Gyula, Siórét Farm 50.
5700 Gyula, György Dózsa street 4-6.
5700 Gyula, Jókai Mór street 17.
Various locations in Gyula
5700 Gyula, Városház street 17-19.
5700 Gyula, Varsándi street 1.
5700 Gyula, Zrínyi square 1.
Gyula, at several locations
5600 Békéscsaba, Gyulai street 61/2.